Useful information

Useful information

Tips for caring for jewelry and costume jewelery

* In a jeweler, never leave different pieces of jewelery and costume jewelery “scrambled”, gems, with their different degrees of hardness and tenacity, can scratch and damage the other piece. Each piece should have its case that fulfills the mission of protecting from scratches, avoiding dust and protecting from possible shocks in falls. * Avoid contact with fire, simply a brief contact with the flame of a gas stove, will affect considerably stones such as amethyst, amber, pearls, turquoise, although in general, heat is an enemy for all gems. * Care must be taken with cosmetic products: beauty creams, hair dyes, lacquers, solvents, perfumes, etc. It would be advisable not to bring jewelry to the hairdresser, since acids, chemicals, the sudden heat of the dryers, affect stones, even noble metals. * Avoid cleaning with ultrasound for highly exfoliating stones, and especially for organic substances: pearls, coral, ivory, tortoiseshell. Before storing the pieces in their case, it is convenient to wipe them with a cloth moistened in a neutral soap solution, to remove the remains of perfume, makeup, and sweat. Silver without treatment, regardless of its alloy, can oxidize in contact with air, it can also be accentuated by the action of the Ph of the skin. Clean gently with mild soap, a very soft brush and water, then rinse with plenty of water and dry with a cotton cloth. Also, you can use special cloths for cleaning jewelry. You have to be very careful not to touch and dirty other parts such as leather, especially in the case of light colors. * Avoid contact with water in the case of pieces that have leather elements in their composition. * Sleeping with the pieces is not recommended, since there is a great possibility of damaging them. * The pieces should never be forced, bent, tightened, twist, etc.

Size guide for necklaces and bracelets

To correctly choose the most appropriate size for each person, we advise following a few simple steps of measurement: * Measurement with the tape measure: surround the wrist of the hand / neck, as appropriate, with the tape, as if it were a bracelet or a necklace , and measure the desired length. Take a measurement loosely, leaving the length that you like and that is comfortable. The result in centimeters is what will guide us to choose between the available lengths. * Measurement with a rope or thick thread: surround the wrist of the hand / neck, as appropriate, with a rope or thread (preferably with a minimum thickness of 1 millimeter), as if it were a bracelet or a necklace, at the height desired, join the ends, and that same rope take it to a rule overlapping it. The result in centimeters is what will guide us to choose between the available lengths.

Tallas guide for sortijas

To correctly choose the most suitable size, we advise you to follow a few simple measurement steps: * Measurement of a current ring: select a ring that fits the intended finger and measure its internal diameter in millimeters. When ordering, indicate the millimeters from the measurement in “Order and Delivery Comments.” * Measurement of your finger: with a non-elastic string or thread, wrap around the finger, tight enough so that it does not fall, but loose enough to slide over your knuckle . Put the ends together, and that same rope take it to a rule overlapping it. The result in millimeters (the circumference) will guide us to choose the size. The size of the finger changes depending on the time of day and the weather, therefore we recommend measuring the finger 3 or 4 times, at different times of the day. When ordering, indicate the millimeters of the measurement, in "Comments of the order and delivery". Table of measurements in Europe Circumference (mm) Diameter (mm) Measure 44.2 14.1 44 44.8 14.3 45 46.1 14.7 46 46.8 14.9 47 48.0 15.3 48 49, 3 15.7 49 50.0 15.9 50 51.2 16.3 51 51.9 16.5 52 53.1 16.9 53 54.4 17.3 54 55.1 17.5 55 56.3 17.9 56 57.0 18.1 57 58.3 18.5 58 58.9 18.8 59 60.2 19.2 60 60.8 19.4 61 62.1 19.8 62 63.4 20.2 63 64.0 20.4 64 65.3 20.8 65 65.9 21.0 66 67.2 21.4 67 68.5 21.8 68 69.1 22.0 69 69.7 22.2 70
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